Ju no Kata

For participant safety and to ensure proper technique is developed, Judo should only be practiced under the supervision of a qualified instructor.

Ju no Kata, forms of gentleness / suppleness, is composed of attack and defense methods in a series of slow fluid actions. It contains 15 techniques divided into 3 sets of 5 techniques.

The Kodokan Judo Institue has provided guid to the Ju no Kata.

Dai-ikkyo (Set 1)

1. Tsuki-dashi

2. Kata-oshi

3. Ryote-dori

4. Kata-mawashi

5. Ago-oshi

Dai-nikyo (Set 2)

1. Kiri-oroshi

2. Ryokata-oshi

3. Naname-uchi

4. Katate-dori

5. Katate-age

Dai-sankyo (Set 3)

1. Obi-tori

2. Mune-oshi

3. Tsuki-age

4. Uchi-oroshi

5. Ryogan-tsuki