Nage no Kata

For participant safety and to ensure proper technique is developed, Judo should only be practiced under the supervision of a qualified instructor.

The Nage no Kata, foms of throwing, is comprised of 15 representative throwing techniques on both the right and lift side. 

Te-waza: Uki-otoshi Seoi-nage Kata-guruma

Koshi-waza: Uki-goshi Harai-goshi Tsurikomi-goshi

Ashi-waza: Okuri-ashi-harai Sasae-tsurikomi-ashi Uchi-mata

Ma-sutemi-waza: Tomoe-nage Ura-nage Sumi-gaeshi

Yoko-sutemi-waza: Yoko-gake Yoko-guruma Uki-waza

The Kodokan Judo Institue has provided guid to the Nage no Kata.

The United States Judo Federation has a free on-line course in the Nage no Kata.